Exchequer e-commerce enterprise level integration for both trade orders and retail sales direct to the consumer.

How Ex-Commerce works

Ex-Commerce synchronises data via live, automated, direct data transfer from Exchequer to the web system.

Ex-Commerce is the only fully featured hosted enterprise solution that is designed specifically to integrate seamlessly with your Exchequer accounting system. Unlike other e-commerce platforms that swap some data with various accounting packages using xml or CSV files, Ex-Commerce synchronises all the data you need via direct data transfer. This makes Ex-Commerce a super fast complete integration package.

All price bands, discounts and customer settings are synchronised as a fully automated process.

Three simple steps

Some of the Ex-Commerce features:

  • Stock control
  • Stock Tree replication
  • Category Discounts
  • Product Pricing
  • Product Descriptions
  • Item display control
  • Customer Synchronisation
  • Customer discounts
  • Category level discounts
  • Customer currency and tax
  • Stock locations
  • Orders
  • Delivery Charges
  • New Customer accounts
Full Feature List

Ex-Commerce is comprised of two main components. A data transfer engine and a web system. The data transfer engine sits on a server on the customer's network alongside Exchequer and runs import/export routines on a timed schedule. The web system sits on a dedicated fully hosted and supported web server and manages the ordering process.

Ex-Commerce has a fully functional task managed scheduler that executes the different tasks in a multi-thread mode to process data at lightening speeds. Tests have shown that many hundreds of orders can be input into Exchequer in seconds.

There are none of the traditional and unreliable text files, csv, xml, temporary documents or emails because the data transfer is direct from Exchequer's database to the web system's database via the Ex-Commerce data transfer engine. In other words database to database. If and when connectivity is lost due to general internet fluctuations or outages, data transfers and orders are queued up on the web server and are downloaded on the next polling.

Ex-Commerce will work with either the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle MySQL out of the box. It requires a COM toolkit licence and for the Pervasive edition of Exchequer it requires ODBC licence. If not already supplied these can be purchased through Exchequer (Advanced Business Solutions. Additionally, it can also be customised to write to any other database system.